Whilst CBT is commonly referred to as the treatment of choice for depression and anxiety, many practitioners do not have the opportunity to receive comprehensive training in this mode of therapy. Making CBT training more accessible to mental health professionals, will in turn make this evidence-based treatment more readily available to people seeking professional help for mental health problems.
In addition, whilst CBT is a style of therapy that is effective, it is open to being delivered poorly, in a somewhat simplistic and mechanical manner, and there can be many misconceptions among mental health professionals about what CBT looks like in real-world clinical practice. CBTs WA is dedicated to offering practical, clinically applicable, high quality training in CBT, that reflects the truly creative, rich and diverse nature of this therapy.
CBTs WA provides training to mental health professionals or people studying towards a career in mental health. All trainings meet AHPRA continuing professional development guidelines. Organisations can recruit CBTs WA to run trainings ‘in-house’ for their staff or members, at a time that is suited to the organisation. In addition, CBTs WA periodically hosts trainings throughout the year, and individual mental health practitioners can register for these online.
The following training topics are available through CBTs WA. Click on each title to find out more.
CBT Fundamentals: Mastering the Basics of Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy
Workshop I: Imagery-Enhanced CBT
Workshop II: Integrating Acceptance & Mindfulness in CBT
Workshop III: Expanding CBT with Metacognitive Approaches
Please note that all trainings are designed to be stand-alone trainings and can be attended in any order. However, having already completed some basic CBT training or study (such as the CBT Fundamentals training or equivalent), will be helpful in getting the most out of the Contemporary CBT training series.
Organisations interested in hosting any of the aforementioned trainings for their staff or members, CONTACT US for pricing, dates and bookings.
Individual mental health practitioners interested in attending any of the aforementioned training topics can register online (if available), or contact info@cbtswa.com.au to register your interest for future trainings.