It is essential that clinicians understand the building blocks of CBT to be able to deliver this intervention effectively, and be able to branch out into the varied and rich applications of CBT. This practical and experiential 2-day training provides participants with a solid grounding in CBT. Participants will develop core CBT skills to assist their clients, and essential knowledge necessary for further specialised CBT training. Examples used will be particularly relevant to depression and anxiety clinical presentations. Specifically, this training will provide participants with:
- An understanding of the background, history and evidence supporting CBT, and its evolution to today’s contemporary practice of CBT;
- A user-friendly understanding of the cognitive theory that underpins CBT;
- Practice in developing CBT-based case formulations to guide treatment planning;
- Familiarity and demonstration of the therapist stance in CBT, which aims to facilitate a warm, collaborative and effective therapeutic alliance; and
- Demonstration and practice of key CBT methods such as:
Thought records, with special attention to common pitfalls, plus methods to ensure the process is engaging, creative, emotionally evocative, and effective;
Behavioural activation for depression, with particular emphasis on how to maximise client curiosity and engagement in discovering their own ‘behavioural antidepressants’; and
Exposure for anxiety, with a focus on conducting exposure using a behavioural experiment framework, and consideration of traditional exposure principles in addition to contemporary inhibitory learning principles, to maximise the long-term effectiveness of exposure.
Copies of slides plus client worksheets and psychoeducational materials are provided as part of this training.
This training meets AHPRA continuing professional development guidelines and represents 14 CPD hours.
This training will next be held in Perth, Western Australia on: TBC
Alternatively, CONTACT US NOW to book this as a private training for your organisation.